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Environmental Law

DSLA Services – Environmental Law


(Permits/Licenses, Consultation, Audit, Regulation Impact Assessment, Training, Feasibility [legal] Study, Dispute Resolution).


Environmental aspect has become the major concern for Indonesia and also every other nation globally. People-Planet-Profit is now a new paradigm that support the concept of sustainability development, which has been adopted as the common goal as stipulated in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Government and market approach on environmental and sustainability have changed from compliance approach to more of a self-voluntary mechanism in supporting SDG’s. Through more than 30 years of experience in dealing with environmental and sustainability legal issues, our firm offer a legal service with unique perspective that meets not only compliance aspect but as well as improving ESG aspect for our client. The services we may be able to provide includes:

To assist in obtaining any environmental permits/licenses (and related environmental assessments)

To conduct environmental `{`legal`}` audit

To provide review on various environmental regulations and/or policies related to business activities, including analysis of regulations draft and/or policies (Environmental Law Risk Assessment)

To provide legal consultation and/or legal opinion related to environmental legal issues

To provide training in the field of environmental law (may also include safety and employment)

To assist the company in handling environment legal disputes (including: administrative sanction, civil, criminal and state administration, mediation, social relation, and alternatives dispute resolution)